Find out how you could be better off with our free, quick, and easy benefits calculator.
We’re proud to announce our website's new, powerful feature – a robust and effective tool to support you through this difficult times.
By filling out a simple form, which should only take around 10 minutes to complete, you can find out if you’re eligible for a broad range of benefits.
If you need help with any applications you can self refer to our Tenancy Sustainment Team.

Lightning Reach,
We have teamed up with Lightning Reach, which aims to enable people in financial hardship to find and apply for a personalised range of support from multiple providers through a single portal when they need it, with just one application.
The Lightning Reach portal is a simple online website that allows you to access financial support, including grants and social tariffs from multiple support providers.
Get your personalised options
Help with Universal Credit
Under Universal Credit rules, Housing costs will be paid directly to our customers in most cases. The customer will then be responsible for paying rent to us

Help with home energy costs
Help with energy bills this winter and learn about water scheme options for low-income families and the benefits of a water meter, and how to apply.

Our successes
The Tenancy Sustainment Team helped PA residents to claim over £4.2 million in benefits and grants last year. We are here to help and support you.

Debt Support
In debt? Act now! Where do you turn if you are struggling to get by? We have dedicated staff members who can assist you and help with things like budgeting and advice on welfare benefits
Email us