We work in partnership with a number of external agencies who provide Care, Support & Housing Management services to our residents on our behalf.
This includes:
Floating Support
Tailor-made outreach service aimed at supporting residents who have low-level needs with day to day tasks.
Registered Care
Registered care providers delivering personal care and housing management in regulation with CQC. Accommodation for residents who require nursing or personal care.
Directly Managed
We have a Service Level Agreement with the local authority and/or the chosen Care and Support Provider. The local authority usually refers the resident to the provider who will carry out support needs assessment. Once this has been completed and should they be able to provide the customer with the relevant care and support a referral is then made to PA Housing. We carry out the Housing Management within these schemes

Our Client Groups
We support a wide range of groups with different needs and requirements, focusing on personals needs.
At the heart of our work is a strong relationship with our partners
We understand that it is important to be effective in contract management, but it is also important to understand the needs of all our customers and stakeholders. Our wide-ranging expertise and experience ensure good outcomes for our tenants and their families.
We work in partnership with organisations offering support in Domestic Violence, Mental health, Learning disabilities and Homelessness.