Our offices in Leicester and Walton-on-Thames have receptions that are open to the public for you to come and speak to us.
Opening hours
Our receptions are open from 9.00am-5.00pm each weekday.
Our phone lines are open from 8.00am to 6.00pm each weekday, and from 9.00-12.00pm on a Saturday. Outside of these times, you can still call us in an emergency.
Visiting our offices
When you come and see us at one of our offices, you'll be asked to sign-in at our reception where you'll receive a visitors badge for you to wear throughout your time with us.
During your visit:
- All visitors are subject to our Health & Safety Policy.
- In the event of an emergency such as a fire, an alarm will sound. The person you're visiting will accompany you to the nearest assembly point. Please make sure you remain with them at all times during this situation.
- Our offices are strictly no smoking.
- Any vehicle parked in our car park is done so at the owner's own risk.
Writing to us
If you need to write to us or send us any documents or paperwork please send all mail to:
PA Housing
3 Bede Island Road
LE2 7EA.
All of our post is sorted and distributed electronically from our Leicester office, so even if you live in one of our other regions please do not send post to any of our other offices as it may not be received.

Leicester office
Our Leicester office is close to the city centre and has a private meeting rooms for you to speak to our staff if needed. We can't guarantee you a parking space at our office if you visit us.