Item 5 C61B0184

Community gardening in Mansfield

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On 1 May a team of colleagues from PA gave up their day job to help transform some tired green spaces at Layton Burroughs in Mansfield.

The team of volunteers wanted to make a difference to the environment where our residents live and help tidy up some neglected areas. This meant shifting over 4 tonnes of topsoil and gravel, planting and giving everywhere a general spruce up.

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Layton Burroughs is in my patch as a Neighbourhood Coordinator, and I noticed that the green spaces could use some care and improvement. So, this was originally my idea, but I didn't know where to get the budget for a project like this.

I thought I'd ask Sarah from Estates as I knew that our Estate Services Team dealt with green spaces and gardening.

She said, of course we'll help and alongside Raj in Resident Involvement, we pooled our funds to make this happen.

- Stefan Brakes

It wasn't just PA Housing colleagues getting involved and getting their hands dirty though, we were also joined by gardening contractors, the council wardens, representatives from the police, and — at one point —  a couple of residents who were helping to place plants (or plant plants, but that just sounds weird). It was a true community effort.

Thank you to everyone who came to support, and for helping to transform the green spaces into somewhere our residents can be proud to live.

Thank you