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Dangerous dogs

Some dogs can become aggressive and bite other people or animals.  If you have concerns about the welfare of a pet, you should contact the RSPCA online, alternatively, you can call 0300 123 4999 or visit the Government UK website for further information.

The law says any dog can be considered dangerous in any place if it is not kept under control. The dog doesn’t have to bite anyone; it could just show aggressive behaviour that makes someone feel in fear for their safety.

If this is the case, please contact the police immediately to report the dog as a potential danger.  You can call the police on 999. Otherwise, call 101.

After you have informed the police, please contact us by phone on 0300 123 2221 or use our online ASB form with the incident report number and the officer’s name so we can work with them to decide the next steps.

ASB form

If the behaviour is persistent and you do not feel safe approaching the owner of the dog or you have tried and the situation has not improved please complete our diary sheets with dates and times of the incidents.

Diary sheets

Send us copies of the diary sheets and fill in our online ASB form. You can deliver the sheets by hand or by post, but it may be quicker to do this electronically and attach them when completing the incident report form.

You should also inform your local Dog Warden, who works for the local authority

Should they take enforcement action, we will use this as evidence against the dog owner if appropriate.

It should be noted that if the neighbour who owns the dangerous dog is not a PA Housing customer then we will have no authority to act against them.

If you need support in dealing with the ASB you can phone the national Victim Support line on 0808 1689 111 or if you would prefer to email or to speak to a regional team, details can be found on the Victim Support website below.

Victim Support website

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