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Graffiti is criminal damage and should also be reported to the police.

Please report any graffiti damage that you believe is happening right now straight to the police.  If possible, try and obtain any descriptions of the person/s committing the offence.  You can call the police on 999, otherwise call, 101.

However, please note that the police will not remove it. 

Is the graffiti regarding a personal trait about you, your family, friends or any member of the community? 

  • If yes, please refer to our hate crime section of the website for guidance.
  • If no, and the graffiti is on our land, please complete our general online reporting form below and attach a photo if possible and we will arrange to get this removed.

General reporting form

  • If no, and you live in a neighbourhood that is managed by another agent or housing provider, you will need to contact that company. Contact details will be on signs in your neighbourhood.
  • If no, and the graffiti is not on our land, please contact the local authority who will remove it. 

Find your local authority

If the graffiti is deemed offensive, we will arrange to remove within one working day, otherwise, it could take up to four weeks.

Please note: graffiti removal might be included in a neighbourhood’s service charge. Any increase in graffiti will lead to an increase in cost to customers.

If PA Housing knows who is causing the graffiti then we can charge them the cost of removal.  If you have any evidence of who is responsible then please complete our online ASB form and attach a photo if possible.

ASB form


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