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Neighbours arguing and shouting

If you believe this is a one-off argument or a disagreement between two people,  we would not usually consider this to be antisocial behaviour and you may want to have a friendly word with your neighbour as they may not be aware you can hear them. 

However, if this a regular occurrence or you believe that something more concerning is happening where someone's safety could be at risk and you have immediate concerns about the welfare of an adult or child in the household, you should call the police on 999. Otherwise, call 101.

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If you believe the noise could be the result of domestic abuse or violence, please visit here and find out how to report it.


  • 'Persistent Noise Nuisance' means the disturbance lasts for continuous periods of over 30 minutes a day for at least 5 days within one week.
  • ‘Night-time’ – after 11 pm and before 7 am


If you want to report persistent noise, please complete our incident diary sheets with dates and times of the incidents. Use our online form to let us know about the situation. You can attach your completed incident diary sheets when you make your report.

You should also complete the diary sheets if the behaviour is persistent during the day or during the night-time, and you do not feel safe approaching your neighbour, or you have tried and the situation has not improved.

Diary sheets

The diary sheets can be used as evidence by PA Housing or by the Environmental Health Noise teams. 

A further way of gaining evidence of a noise nuisance is to use ‘The Noise App’ details can be found below.

The Noise App Website

It should be noted that if the neighbour who is creating the noise nuisance is not a PA Housing customer then we will have no authority to act against them.

If the situation has not improved, mediation might help. It’s an informal, confidential and independent service available to help neighbours sort out their differences and reach an agreement. They can help you and your neighbours understand each other’s point of view and reach a solution. 

For more specific advice regarding noise nuisance please visit the ASB Help website below.

 ASB Help Website

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