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Cuckooing is when an individual/gang takes over someone else’s property, usually a vulnerable individual, for illicit purposes.

This can include consuming, dealing, or harvesting illegal drugs, or it can be financial extortion. Cuckooing is a serious crime, and the most common form of cuckooing is drug dealers taking over a property to deal drugs from

If you know or suspect an individual is a victim of cuckooing, report it to the police as this is a criminal offence.

Who is at risk of cuckooing?

Anyone could be potentially cuckooed, but some groups are more at risk than others:

  • Mental health issues
  • Addiction or substance abuse
  • Learning disabilities
  • Physical disabilities

How to spot cuckooing?

  • A surge in the number of people entering and leaving the property.
  • A surge in cars or motorbikes outside a property.
  • An increase in anti-social behaviour, such as loud music or shouting.
  • People turning up / leaving the property at unsociable hours during the day/night.
  • A lack of contact with the resident who lives there, or you have not seen them in some time but have noticed many people you have not seen before at the property.

If you suspect this is happening in a PA housing property, please contact the police and report the issue to us. There are several processes that the police and the relevant authorities can take, such as offering support, frequent checks at the property and seeking an injunction against the property. 

We will work with partner agencies to

  • Raise awareness of cuckooing and how this impact communities and individuals 
  • Work closely with the Police service and other agencies such as the Adult Social Care Service to identify, monitor
  • Work with support staff to help the customer
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