A Service Improvement Panel (SIP) is a group of residents who’ve come together to review and improve the services we provide.
Residents share their experiences, work collaboratively, and provide feedback to improve the service for all residents.
It's important we ask residents to review our services so we can:
- gain their valuable perspective on their experiences.
- work in partnership and build better relationships with residents.
- give an opportunity for residents to shape and influence the services they receive.
- help us identify underperforming areas and improve service delivery.
- continue monitoring our performance.
How does it work?
Each year we carry out a minimum of 3 service improvement panels which look at topics and services which, based on your feedback, we know matter the most to you. The Residents' Assembly then review these topics and make a decision on which SIPs to run each year.
A SIP is a 'task and finish' approach which means that it runs for a specific period of time with a definitive end date. Depending on the subject a SIP could range between 1-4 months. During this time the members of the SIP may review policies and procedures (and any other documents they think are relevant), meet with and shadow members of staff, carry out mystery shopping to make sure they understand what's working well and where there is need for improvement.
Once they've completed their review, a report is written with their recommendations and they'll meet with the relevant member of our senior leadership team to confirm a timeline of when their agreed recommendations can put in place.
Their report is presented to the Customer Committee by the lead member of the SIP so their feedback is being heard by our Board members.
This year residents are carrying out SIPs in the following areas:
- Service charges
- Antisocial behaviour
- Complaints
We'll share the final reports on our website once each SIP has been completed so you can see how residents' voices are making a difference.
Would you like to be involved?
We'll be carrying out more SIPs next year, so if you're interested in being part of the SIP panels then please contact us on 0300 123 2221 or send us an email.