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Preparing your home for the cold

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It’s a good idea to start preparing before winter, rather than waiting until it hits.

Here are some things to consider before the temperatures drop further.

Check your heating is working

With energy bills set to remain high, it could be tempting to avoid turning your heating on until you really need it.

Please make sure you test your heating in autumn before the winter hits to make sure it works.

Bleed your radiators

Bleeding your radiators every so often keeps them working properly. This helps to make sure your radiators warm up quickly and give out the right amount of heat. If you don’t bleed your radiators air can build up in them. This causes them to take longer to warm up and means you use up unnecessary energy to get your house to the right temperature.

Prevent your pipes from freezing

Frozen pipes can stop your central heating system and water supply from working. Check that your water pipes are insulated and keep your heating set above 7°C to prevent them from freezing in cold weather.

Draught-proof your home

This can make a big difference in helping your home warm up and stay warm. There are some low-cost ways to keep draughts out and warm air in.

Tackle condensation, damp and mould

Condensation, damp and mould can become a problem during the cold season. Luckily, it can often be avoided by taking some simple precautions.

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