The Met Office has predicted that Storm Eowyn will hit the UK on Friday 24 and Saturday 25 January, with parts of the East Midlands and South East being affected by 'very strong winds'.
This will be the fifth storm to hit the UK since October and winds are predicted to be up to over 100mph in some coastal areas prompting yellow and red weather warnings in parts of the country. This could cause damage to buildings, fencing, and bring a risk of power cuts.
The Met Office is advising people to stay indoors if possible and to prepare for the worst if a power cut does happen by gathering essential items such as torches, batteries, and a mobile phone power pack as well non-perishable food and water.
Contacting us
With such strong winds being predicted it's likely that some damage with be caused so we're anticipating a higher than usual number of telephone calls during this period.
Our phone lines will be open as normal from 8.00am - 6.00pm on Friday, and 8.00am - 12.00pm on Saturday.
Outside of these times our emergency team, Service 24 will be answering the phones should you need us.
We kindly ask that if your call is not an emergency, or does not link to storm damage, that you wait to call us to allow those in need to get through quickly.